News – 2024

FrauVonDa// presents: THE Å//A UNIVERSE – hidden songlines of the baltic sea 2024

We are glad to announce that the project will be presented both in Mariehamn / Åland
(Sjöfartsmuseum – museum ship »Pommern«) and again in Berlin (Villa Elisabeth).
FrauVonDa// once again sets off on a journey to Åland, dives, listens, marvels and asks: How much do we know about the youngest sea on earth, its ecosystem, the living creatures and their subjective environments?

Claudia van Hasselt and Nicolas Wiese along with  Ferdinand Breil, Tomi Räisänen, Amen Feizabadi, Viktoriia Vitrenko, Eva Alkula, Roland Fidezius, Daniel Eichholz, Michaela Vieser, Isaac Yuen, Roman Schöne, Casper Lindroos, Johan Karrento, Sarah Papadopoulou, Hanna Hagmark

31.08. / 01.09. 2024 Villa Elisabeth Berlin –
Installation open from 18:00 // concert starts 20:00   >> TICKETS

07.09. 2024 Sjöfartsmuseum – museum ship »Pommern« Mariehamn / Åland


New work In Progress: ODER HIVE

FrauVonDa is moving away from the definition of the Oder as a border, and contemplates
the river as a connecting body of water – towards a river community of three nations and
as a uniquely diverse habitat for animals and plants.

The OderHive project is being developed in close cooperation with the Leibniz Institute
of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin (IGB) and in further collaboration
with the Husö Marine Biological Station (Åland). With OderHive, FrauVonDa is responding
to the IGB’s request to artistically accompany their research on the Oder after the
poisoning catastrophe 2022, as well as their participation in the European sturgeon
reintroduction project.

Similar to the Baltic Sea project »The Å//A Universe«, the OderHive is conceived as
a modular project in exchange with diverse Oder inhabitants / neighboring residents,
scientists, environmental activists and collaborating artists. With an extensive
multi-disciplinary research aiming at biological facts, oral history, everyday life
and resistance, introspection into non-human life and the utopia of a borderless
community of ‚response_ability‘.

Claudia van Hasselt and Nicolas Wiese along with Wojtek Blecharz, Schneider TM, Daniel Eichholz, Roland Fidezius, Łukasz Jastrubczak / centrum centrum Szczecin, Otucha Collective, Katja Kettner and various scientists of IGB

14.09. 2024 (LAB) CENTRUM CENTRUM Szczecin
28.09. 2024. from 5pm BETONEST Angermünde / Stolpe
05.10.2024  (opening) DURRËS BIENNIAL for contemporary art, Durrës/Albania
12.10.2024 8pm HOŠEK CONTEMPORARY Berlin
1.-10.11.2024  SCIENCE WEEK Berlin
14.12.2024  KULTURZUG / Pociąg do Kultury Berlin–Wrocław
11-12.01. 2025  VILLA ELISABETH Berlin


DEAR SILVANUS – The Sound of Vanishing Woods

FrauVonDa// embarks on a journey through the last primeval forests in Europe – in Bukovina and Maramures (Romania). Every hour, forest areas the size of a soccer pitch are destroyed here. FrauVonDa// explores the acoustic traces of life in the deserts created by legal and illegal deforestation. The sounds in the tree roots, the audible life in the soil, but also the transportation routes of the timber to the processing industry (and to the retail chains) are the basis for our musical-documentary road movie.

Claudia van Hasselt and Nicolas Wiese along with Sabina Ulubeanu and Juergen Hirsch

Road trip: 01st – 14th July 2024
Presentation / talk / sound video performance: 13th July, 6PM Collegial de Arte Baia Mare
Presentation in Berlin: 01st October TIME TO LISTEN Symposium – details tba

In cooperation with Asociatia OPUS
Kindly supported by GOETHE INSTITUT Gruen Unterwegs


FrauVonDa at ZUKUNFT JETZT! Festival Eberswalde – Audiovisual Installation, Performance, Talk along with Roman Schöne
29/June – more info:


Premiere of the trio MUTABLES
Min Yoon – butoh dance
Korhan Erel – digital sounds
Nicolas Wiese – analogue projection
24/May @ Untergruen series, Lichtblick Kino / K77 Berlin



FrauVonDa has been invited by Emilia Păunescu and her Bucharest-based Asociatia Prezent Continuu to join a collective process based on neurological stimulus-response research, for which we embarked on a two-week residency in Luxembourg.

Thursday 21/March at 7:30:
first work-in-progress presentation / lecture_concert_performance
at Galerie 39, Dudelange/Luxembourg.
Introduction and open talk in English (and probably a bit French/German).
Live music by FrauVonDa // Claudia van Hasselt and Nicolas Wiese (Voice, body sounds, electronically processed voice and body sounds) and Alexandrina Hristov (voice, electronics, toy instruments). Text/poetry by Emilia Păunescu and Monica Cure.


January 31 2024: REMEMBRANCE DAY FOR THE VICTIMS of national socialist »euthanasia«

The Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities
invites you to a commemorative event and wreath-laying ceremony to mark the day of
remembrance for the victims of Nazi „euthanasia“ (27.1.)
With a musical-choreographic contribution: an encounter between the deaf dancer
Ines Konietzko-Fischer, singer Claudia van Hasselt and sound artist Nicolas Wiese.

A production by FrauVonDa, tanzsign and TAN-IN طن این
Realized by Konietzka-Fischer / Van Hasselt / Wiese

January 31, 2024 12h noon
Memorial and information site for the victims
of the National Socialist „euthanasia“ murders
Tiergartenstraße 4, 10785 Berlin (near the Philharmonie)


Remix compilation out now: TI*TO – Happy New Esra 2023
features a contribution by Heidrun Schramm & Nicolas Wiese
check it out:


THE POND is featured in the Syrphe Podcast 01 (published december 2023)
Thanks to the restless Cedrik Fermont


In Kategorie: News